发布者: 发布时间:2019-02-25
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | Effects of the grain boundary on phase structure and surface morphology of TiO2 films prepared by MAO technology | 尹旭,汪渊,刘波,罗小兵 | Surface and Interface Analysis | 44(2012):276-281 |
2 | Interface stability and microstructure of an ultrathin a-Ta/graded Ta(N)/TaN multilayer diffusion barrier | 刘春海,刘望,汪渊,等 | Microelectronic Engineering | 98(2012): 80–84 |
3 | Effect of initial-annealing on thermal stability of hydrogen in C–SiC:H films | 任丁,肖婷,张瑞谦,姜辉,刘波,展长勇,邹宇等 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms | 286(0): 134-137 |
4 | Rummukainen-Gottlieb formula on a two-particle system with different masses | 傅子文 | Phys. Rev. D | 85(2012): 014506 |
5 | Lattice study on πK scattering with moving wall source | 傅子文 | Phys. Rev. D | 85(2012): 074501 |
6 | Lattice QCD study on K(892) meson decay width | 傅子文 | Phys. Rev. D | 86(2012): 094507 |
7 | The preliminary lattice QCD calculation of κ meson decay width | 傅子文 | Journal of High Energy Physics | 01(2012):017 |
8 | Preliminary lattice QCD calculation of the σ meson decay width | 傅子文 | Journal of High Energy Physics | 07(2012):142 |
9 | Preliminary lattice study of the I=1 K\bar{K} scattering length. | 傅子文 | Eur. Phys. J. C | 72(2012): 2159 |
10 | Atomistic simulations of helium behavior in tungsten crystals | 汪俊,周宇璐,李敏,侯氢 | J. Nucl. Mater. | 427(2012):290-296 |
11 | Molecular dynamics studies of temperature effects on low energy helium bombardments on tungsten surfaces | 李敏,汪俊,侯氢 | J. Nucl. Mater. | 423(2012)22-27 |
12 | Geometric measure of quantum discord over two-sided rojective measurements | 胥建卫 | Phys. Lett. A | 376(2012):320 |
13 | Unstable kinetic roughening during the island coalescence stage of sputtered tantalum films | 杨吉军,唐军,刘 宁,徐可为等 | Journal of Applied Physics | 111(10)(2012): 104303 |
14 | Synthesis of crescent aromatic oligoamides with preorganized chelating groups and their extraction towards transition metal ions | 杨心师、陈龙、杨永安、贺有周、邹树良、冯文*、杨远友、刘宁、廖家莉、袁立华* | J. Hazard. Mate. | 217(2012): 171-176 |
15 | Direct Perfluorination of An Acid-Sensitive Glycol Ether as Precursor for Perfluoro (2-(methoxymethoxy)ethyl vinyl ether) | 刘洪乐、潘旭松、袁立华、邹树良、李培生、王威、贺有周、冯文*、杨晓勇、罗凯、吴勇 | Synthetic Communications | 42(7)(2012): 959-966 |
16 | Supramolecular graft copolymers in moderately polar media based on hydrogen-bonded aromatic oligoamide units | 潘旭松、陈超、杨永安、汪映寒、冯文*、邓鹏翅*、袁立华* | Chem. Commun. | 48 (76)(2012): 9510 - 9512 |
17 | Preconcentration of U(VI) ions on few-layered graphene oxide nanosheets from aqueous solutions | 赵国霞,廖家莉,王祥科等 | Dalton Transactions | 41(20)(2012): 6182-6188 |
18 | Tunable Mesogens Based on Shape-Persistent Aromatic Oligoamides: From Lamellar, Columnar, to Nematic Liquid Crystalline Phase | 邹树良、何路涛、张静、贺有周、袁立华*、吴立新、罗建、汪映寒、冯文 | Org. Lett. | 14 (2012): 3584–3587 |