发布者: 发布时间:2019-02-25
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | PIXE-RBS analysis on potteries unearthed from Lijiaba site | 邬琦琦,朱敬军,刘漫天,安竹*等 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 296 (2013): 1-6 |
2 | Superconductivity induced by U doping in the SmFeAsO system | 黄 波,杨吉军, 唐 军,廖家莉, 杨远友, 刘 宁等 | PHYSICAL REVIEW B | 87( 6)(2013): 060501 |
3 | Adsorption and desorption of uranium (VI) in aerated zone soil | 李晓龙,伍娇娇, 廖家莉,刘 宁等 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 115(2013): 143-150 |
4 | Preparation and characterization of potassium doped tungsten | 舒小艳,廖家莉, 刘 宁,唐 军等 |
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 440(1-3)(2013): 414-419 |
5 | Extraction and thermodynamic behavior of U(VI) and Th(IV) from nitric acid solution with tri-isoamyl phosphate | 孔 芳,廖家莉, 刘 宁等 |
Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 298(1)(2013): 651-656 |
6 | Effect of initial-annealing on the microstructure of C-SiC/Cu composite coatings | 任丁,杜纪富, 林黎蔚等 |
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 307(2013):16-19 |
7 | Cu(Ge) alloy films with zirconium addition on barrierless Si for excellent property improvements, | 刘波,林黎蔚, 任丁等 |
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | 46(2013):155305:1-6. |
8 | Effect of sputtering bias voltage on the structure and properties of Zr-Ge-N diffusion barrier films | 林黎蔚,刘波, 任丁等 |
Surface and Coatings Technology | 228(2013):S237-S240. |
9 | Lattice QCD study of the s-wave ππ scattering lengths in the I=0 and 2 channels | 傅子文 | PHYSICAL REVIEW D | 87(2013):074501 |
10 | STUDYING κ MESON WITH A MILC FINE LATTICE | 傅子文 | International Journal of Modern Physics A | 28(15) (2013): 1350059 |
11 | Molecular dynamics simulations with many-body potentials on multiple GPUs—The implementation, package and performance | 侯氢*,李敏, 汪俊等 |
Computer Physics Communications 184 (2013) 2091–2101 | l184(2013): 2091-2101 |
12 | Radiation damage of tungsten surfaces by low energy helium atom bombardment – A molecular dynamics study | 李敏,催节超, 汪俊,侯氢*等 |
Journal of Nuclear Materials 433 (2013) 17–22 | 433(2013): 17-22 |
13 | Impact tests of the tungsten coated stainless steels prepared by using magnetron sputtering with ion beam mixing or electron beam alloying treatment |
邹宇,展长勇, 伍建春*等 |
Journal of Nuclear Materials | 436(2013):56-60 |
14 | Fabrication of Porous Silicon Nanotips by Using Argon Ion-beam Irradiation | 展长勇,邹宇, 伍建春*等 |
Journal of the Korean Physical Society | 63(2)(2013): 206-208 |
15 | Nonaggregational Shape-Persistent Cyclo[6]aramide and Its Macrocyclic Effect toward Binding Secondary Ammonium Salts in Moderately Polar Media | 胡晋川,冯文*等 | Org. Lett. | 15 (18)(2013): 4670–4673 |
16 | Pillar[5]arene-based phosphine oxides: novel ionophores for solvent extraction separation of f-block elements from acidic media, | 方玉宇,冯文*等 | RSC Adv. | 3(2013): 12376-12383 |
17 | Self-propagating High-temperature Synthesis for Immobilization of Simulated Radioactive Sandy Soil Waste | 秦志桂 毛仙鹤 刘 宁等 | Advanced Materials Research | 2012, 518-523(4): 2797-2801 |
18 | Architecturing Hierarchical Function Layers on Self-Assembled Viral Templates as 3D Nano-Array Electrodes for Integrated Li-Ion Microbatteries | Yihang Liu,汪渊等 | Nano Letters | 13(2013): 293-300. |
19 | Quadruply hydrogen-bonded heteroduplexes based on imide and urea units arrayed with ADDA/DAAD sequence | Xianghui Li, 冯文,袁立华* | Org. Biomol. Chem. | 11(2013): 6975-6983 |
20 | Surface charge inversion of self-assembled monolayers by visible light irradiation: cargo loading and release by photoreactions. | You Yu, 冯文等 | Chem. Commun. | 49(2013): 3431-3433 |