发布者: 发布时间:2019-02-25
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | Effects of internal bremsstrahlung of tritium b-decay and surface roughness in BIXS method | 毛 莉,安 竹,梁建华,龙兴贵,彭述明,张伟光 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 269(2)(2011)105-110 |
2 | Astatine-211 labeling of protein using TCP as a bi-functional linker: synthesis and preliminary evaluation in vivo and in vitro | 杨远友,林如山,刘 宁,廖家莉,魏 敏,金建南 | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 88(1)(2011)71-77 |
3 | Valence band studies of p- and n-Type Ba8Ga16Ge30 using high-resolution photoelectron spectroscopy | 唐 军, J.T. Xu, S. Heguri, K. Akai, K. Tanigaki. | Journal of Electronic Materials | 40(2011)769-772 |
4 | Generalizations of quantum discord | 胥建卫 | J.Phys.A: Math. Theor. | 44(2011)445310 |
5 | Symplectic space or orthogonal space of n qubits | 胥建卫 | International Journal of Quantum Information | 9(6)(2011)1449-1457 |
6 | Study on the Porosity of TiO2 Films Prepared by Using Magnetron Sputtering Deposition | 任 丁,邹 宇,展长勇,黄宁康 | Journal of the Korean Physical Society | 58(4)(2011) 883-885 |
7 | Release of hydrogen during transformation from porous silicon to silicon oxide at normal temperature | 展长勇, Paul K. Chu,,任丁,Yunchang Xin, Kaifu Huo, 邹 宇,黄 宁康 | International Journal of Hydrogen Energy | 36(2011)4513-4517 |
8 | Multiple surface plasmon waves in [prism/Ag/SiO2 helical thin film] Kretschmann configuration | Kim, J. B., 邹宇等 | Thin Solid Films | 520(5)(2011) 1451-1453 |
9 | Design and fabrication of ultrathin and highly thermal-stable α-Ta/graded Ta(N)/TaN multilayer |
刘春海,汪 渊,刘 波 | Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics | 44(2011)075302. |
10 | Scanning transimission proton microscopy tomography of reconstruction cells from simulated data | 张从华,李 敏,侯 氢 | NUCLEAR SCIENCE AND TECHNIQUES | 22(2011)97-102 |
11 | Scalar meson spectroscopy with a fine lattice | 付子文, Carleton DeTar | Chin.Phys.C | 35(2011)896-901 |
12 | Lattice QCD study of the sigma meson. | 付子文 | Chin.Phys.Lett. | 28(2011)081201 |
13 | Full lattice QCD study of the kappa scalar meson | 付子文, Carleton DeTar | Chin.Phys.C | 35(2011)1079- 1083 |
14 | Using GPU to calculate electron dose for hybrid pencil beam model | 勾成俊,李 霞,侯 氢,吴章文 | Nucl. Sci. and Tech. | 22(2011)349-352 |
15 | Molecular dynamics study of helium bubble pressure in titanium | 张宝玲,汪 俊,侯 氢 | Chinese Phys.B | 20(2011)036105 |