CAARI 2018 - Registration & Call for Abstracts
发布者: 发布时间:2019-03-27

Dear Potential CAARI 2018 Attendee:
The organizers would like to welcome you to the 25th International Conference on the Application of Accelerators in Research and Industry to be held in Grapevine, Texas, August 12 – 17, 2018.  This conference is being hosted by the University of North Texas, Sandia National Laboratories and Los Alamos National Laboratory.  The Conference Organizers and Topic Editors are working closely with the Session Chairs to develop sessions and obtain speakers that compliment what CAARI is all about.
Please, visit the CAARI web site to register for the conference and submit your abstract under one of the following topics:
Accelerator-Based Analysis

  •           Ion Beam Techniques and Ion Microscopy
  •           Nuclear-Based Analysis
  •           Neutron Techniques
  •           Accelerator Facilities
  •           Accelerator Stewardship
  •           Technology Development
  •           Industrial Applications
  •           Medical Applications
  •           Security and Defense
  •           Teaching with Accelerators
Applied Research
  •           Ion Enhanced Synthesis and Modification
  •           Radiation Effects
  •           Nanoscience and Technology
Physics Research
  •           Atomic and Molecular Physics
  •           Nuclear Physics
Conference Coordinator Contacts:
Holly Decker                Accommodations, Exhibitor Program, Sponsorships
Carley Parriott              Speaker Opportunities, Abstract Submission, Scheduling
Sincerely, Your CAARI 2018 Conference Organizers:
Gary Glass
Yongqiang Wang
Del McDaniel
Barney Doyle
Arlyn Antolak

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