发布者: 发布时间:2019-02-25
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | Measurements of L-shell X-ray Production Cross Sections of Gd and W Elements by Low Energy Electron Impact | 吴英*,安竹,段艳敏,刘慢天 | Journal of Physics B :Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics | 43(13)(2010)135206 |
2 | Measurements of Lα, Lβ x-ray Production Cross Sections of Bi by17~40 keV Electron Impact | 吴英*,安竹,段艳敏,刘慢天 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 268(16)(2010)2473-2476 |
3 | Measurements of K-shell Ionization Cross Sections of S, Ca and Zn by 7~30 keV Electron Impact | 吴英*,安竹,段艳敏,刘慢天 | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 268(17-18)(2010)2820-2824 |
4 | Preparation and Preliminary Evaluation of 211At Labeled Amidobisphophonates | 杨远友,刘宁,家莉,蒲满飞,刘业兵,魏敏,金建南 | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 283(2010) 329-335 |
5 | Extraction Behavior of Strontium from Nitric Acid Solution with N,N,N ',N '-Tetraisobutyl Diglycolamide | 丁颂东,杨堂,刘宁等 | Journal of the iranian chemical society | 7(3)(2010) 545-553 |
6 | Characterization of the surface layer due to oxygen for the hydrogen related C-SiC films |
邹宇,杜纪富,代海洋,任丁,黄宁康 | Vacuum | 85(1)(2010)26-29 |
7 | Study in the oxygen contamination on the surface of C-SiC films | 杜纪富,任丁,代海洋,邹宇,黄宁康 | Surface and interface analysis | 42(2)(2010)66-69 |
8 | Oligoamide Duplexes as Organogelators | Ruikai Cao曹瑞凯, Jingjing Zhou周晶晶, Wei Wang王威, Wen Feng冯文,等 | Org.lett. | 12(13)(2010)2958-2961 IF=5.128 |
9 | Cascade coalescence of noble gas bubbles in materials | 侯氢,周宇璐,汪俊 | J. Appl. Phys. | 107(2010)084901 |
10 | The self limiting effect of hydrogen cluster in gas jet under liquid nitrogen temperature | 韩纪锋,杨朝文,缪竞威,付鹏涛,罗小兵,师勉恭 | J. App. Phys | 108(2010)064327 |
11 | The spatial distribution of argon cluster in gas jet | 韩纪锋,杨朝文*, 缪竞威,陆建峰,刘猛,罗小兵,师勉恭 | Eur. Phys. J. D | 56(2010)347-352 |
12 | Behaviors of Different Dispersers on Morphologies of Porous TiO2 Films | 任丁,邹宇,展长勇,黄宁康 | Frontiers of Materials Science in China | 4(2010) 394-397 |