发布者: 发布时间:2019-02-25
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | Comparison of reconstruction methods of depth distribution of tritium in materials based on BIXS | 龙京晶 安 竹* | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 2009, 267(10): 1852-1855 |
2 | Measurements of the K-shell ionization cross sections of Si by 3-25 keV electron impact using the thick-target method | 朱敬军 安 竹* 刘慢天 田丽霞 | Physical Review A | 2009, 79(5): 052710 |
3 | Bremsstrahlung spectra produced by kilovolt electron impact on thick targets | 田丽霞 朱敬军 刘慢天 安 竹* | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 2009, 267(21-22): 3495-3499 |
4 | Behavior and analysis of Cesium adsorption on montmorillonite mineral | 伍娇娇 李 兵 廖家莉 冯 悦 张 东 赵 军 文 炜 杨远友 刘 宁 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 2009, 100(10): 914-920 |
5 | Radioiodination of protein using 2,3,5,6-tetrafluorophenyl 3-(nido-carboranyl) propionate (TCP) as a potential bi-functional linker: Synthesis and biodistribution in mice | 林如山 刘 宁 杨远友 李 兵 廖家莉 金建南 | Applied Radiation and Isotopes | 2009, 67(1): 83-87 |
6 | Synthesis of Extraction Resin Containing N,N,N ',N '-Tetraisobutyl Diglycolamide and its Application for Separation of Sr(II) from Rb(I) | 杨 堂 丁颂东 刘 宁等 | Separation Science and Technology | 2009, 44(11): 2526-2540 |
7 | Effects of sputtering current on the bonding structure and mechanical properties of diamond-like carbon films deposited by MFPUMST | 代海洋 姜 辉 展长勇 黄宁康* | Surf. Interface Anal | 2009, 41: 560-564 |
8 | Ultrathin CuSiN/p-SiC:H bilayer capping barrier for Cu/ultralow-k dielectric integration | 刘 波 杨吉军 刘春海 汪 渊 | Applied Physics Letters | 2009, 94: 153116(1-3) |
9 | Homologous temperature dependence of global surface scaling behaviors of polycrystalline copper films |
杨吉军 刘 波 汪 渊 K. W. Xu | Applied Physics Letters | 2009, 95, 194104(1-3) |
10 | Efficient Kinetic Macrocyclization | 冯 文 Kazuhiro Yamato, 杨柳青 Joseph S. Ferguson, 钟利健 邹树良 袁立华 曾晓成 龚兵 |
Journal of the American Chemical Society(JACS) | 2009, 131: 2629-2637 |
11 | Improving the Efficiency of Forming ‘Unfavorable’ Products: Eight-Residue Macrocycles from Folded Aromatic Oligoamide Precursors | 邹树良 贺有周 杨永安赵 毅 袁立华 冯 文* Kazuhiro Yamato 龚 兵 | Synlett | 2009, 9: 1437–1440 |
12 | Aromatic oligoamide macrocycles from the bimolecular coupling of folded oligomeric precursor | 杨柳青 钟利健 Kazuhiro Yamato 张夏衡 冯 文 邓鹏翅 袁立华 曾晓成龚 兵 |
New Journal of Chemistry | 2009, 33: 729–733 |