发布者: 发布时间:2018-12-07

序号 论    文    题    目 作   者 期刊或出版社名称 年、卷、期、页
1 Surface dynamics transition during the growth of compositionally graded CrNx films 杨吉军苗发明 唐  军舒小艳  杨远友廖家莉    刘  宁 等 Applied Physics Letters 2014, 104: 031602
2 A computational study on the complexation of Np(V) with TMOGA and its carboxylate analogs 曾景辉杨  霞 廖家莉刘  宁 杨远友王东琪 等 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2014,16(31):16536-16546
3 Biosorption and Mechanism of Cesium-137 by Rhodosporidium fluviale 兰  图冯  悦 廖家莉李晓龙  丁聪聪张  东  杨吉军曾俊辉  杨远友唐  军  刘  宁 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2014, 134: 6-13.
4 Biosorption of Uranium on Bacillus sp. dwc-2:Preliminary Investigation on Mechanism 李晓龙丁聪聪  廖家莉兰  图  李飞泽张  东  杨吉军杨远友 罗顺忠唐  军  刘  宁 Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 2014, 135: 6-12.
5 Amidoxime-grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes by plasma techniques for efficient removal of uranium(VI) 王  云顾泽兴 杨吉军廖家莉 杨远友刘  宁  唐  军 Applied Surface Science 2014, 320: 10-20
6 Phase structure and surface morphology evolution of Al–Ti–O films irradiated by electron beam 杨吉军苗发明 朱海琳舒小艳  黄  波唐  军杨远友廖家莉  刘  宁 Journal of Nuclear Materials 2014, 455: 189-193
7 Mechanism of thorium biosorption by the cells of the soil fungal isolate Geotrichum sp. dwc-1 丁聪聪冯  甦 李晓龙廖家莉 杨远友安  竹 邬琪琪张  东  杨吉军8唐  军  张  洁刘  宁 Radiochimca Acta 2014, 102(1-2): 175-184
8 Multi-scale kinetic surface roughening of reactive-sputtered TaN thin films characterized by wavelet transform approach 杨吉军苗发明 唐  军杨远友  廖家莉刘  宁 Thin Solid Flims 2014, 550: 367-372
9 An investigation on the subcellular distribution and compartmentalization of uranium in Phaseolus vulgaris L 聂小琴董发勤  刘  宁等 Journal of  Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2014, 299: 1351-1357
10 Strontium adsorption on tantalum-doped hexagonal tungsten oxide 李兴亮 等 Journal Hazardous Materials 2014, 264: 386-394
11 Biosorption behavior and mechanism of thorium on Streptomyces sporoverrucosus dwc-3 丁聪聪冯  甦  程文才张 洁  李晓龙廖家莉 杨远友安  竹  罗顺忠杨吉军  唐  军刘  宁 Journal of  Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry 2014, 301: 237-245
12 Extraction of trivalent americium and europium from nitric acid solution with a calixarene-based diglycolamide 黄  璜丁颂东 刘  宁吴宇轩 等 Separation and Purification Technology 2014, 123:235-240
13 Measurements of inner-shell characteristic X-ray yields of thick W, Mo and Zr targets by low-energy electron impact and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations X.L. Li, J.L. Zhao, L.X. Tian, Z. An* , J.J. Zhu*, M.T. Liu Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 333 (2014) 106-112
14 Limits on light WIMPs with a germanium detector at 177 eVee threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory S.K Liu, Q Yue, K.J Kang, ..J.J.Zhu,...et al Physical Review D 90(3) (2014) 032003
15 Convergent heteroditopic cyclo[6]aramides as macrocyclic ion-pair receptors for constructing [2]pseudorotaxanes Jinchuan Hu; Long Chen; Jie Shen; Jian Luo; Pengchi Deng; Yi Ren; Huaqiang Zeng; Wen Feng*; and Lihua Yuan* Chem. Commun. 2014, 50(59), 8024 – 8027
16  CMPO-calix[4]arenes with spacer containing intramolecular hydrogen bonding: effect of local rigidification on solvent extraction towards f-block elements Hongzhu Chu; Lutao He; Qian Jiang; Yuyu Fang; Yiming Jia; Xiangyang Yuan; Shuliang Zou; Xianghui Li; Wen Feng*; Yuanyou Yang; Ning Liu; Shunzhong Luo; Yanqiu Yang; Liang Yang; Lihua Yuan* Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 264, 211-218
17 Pillar[5]arenes bearing phosphine oxide pendents as Hg2+ selective receptors Yiming Jia; Yuyu Fang; Yan Li; Lutao He; Wenhua Fan; Wen Feng*; Yuanyou Yang; Jiali Liao; Ning Liu; Lihua Yuan* Talanta 2014, 125, 322–328.
18 Pillar[5]arene-based diglycolamides for highly efficient separation of americium(III) and europium(III) Lei Wu, Yuyu Fang, Yiming Jia, Yuanyou Yang, Jiali Liao, Ning Liu, Xinshi Yang, Wen Feng*, Jialin Ming and Lihua Yuan* Dalton Transactions 2014, 43, 3835–3838.
19 Electrochemical performance of patterned LiFePO4 nano-electrode with a pristine amorphous layer Mao Wang, Wei Zhang, Yihang Liu Yong Yang, Chunsheng Wang, and Yuan Wang Applied Physics Letters 2014, 104, 171604
20 Molecular dynamics simulations of cumulative helium bombardments on tungsten surfaces Min Li, Jiechao Cui, Jun Wang, Qing Hou* Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 337(2014)45-54
21 Molecular dynamics simulations of the diffusion and coalescence of helium in tungsten Y.L. Zhou, J. Wang, Q. Hou*, A.H. Deng J. Nucl. Mater. 446 (2014) 49–55

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