发布者: 发布时间:2018-12-07
序号 | 论 文 题 目 | 作 者 | 期刊或出版社名称 | 年、卷、期、页 |
1 | Surface dynamics transition during the growth of compositionally graded CrNx films | 杨吉军苗发明 唐 军舒小艳 杨远友廖家莉 刘 宁 等 | Applied Physics Letters | 2014, 104: 031602 |
2 | A computational study on the complexation of Np(V) with TMOGA and its carboxylate analogs | 曾景辉杨 霞 廖家莉刘 宁 杨远友王东琪 等 | Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics | 2014,16(31):16536-16546 |
3 | Biosorption and Mechanism of Cesium-137 by Rhodosporidium fluviale | 兰 图冯 悦 廖家莉李晓龙 丁聪聪张 东 杨吉军曾俊辉 杨远友唐 军 刘 宁 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 2014, 134: 6-13. |
4 | Biosorption of Uranium on Bacillus sp. dwc-2:Preliminary Investigation on Mechanism | 李晓龙丁聪聪 廖家莉兰 图 李飞泽张 东 杨吉军杨远友 罗顺忠唐 军 刘 宁 | Journal of Environmental Radioactivity | 2014, 135: 6-12. |
5 | Amidoxime-grafted multiwalled carbon nanotubes by plasma techniques for efficient removal of uranium(VI) | 王 云顾泽兴 杨吉军廖家莉 杨远友刘 宁 唐 军 | Applied Surface Science | 2014, 320: 10-20 |
6 | Phase structure and surface morphology evolution of Al–Ti–O films irradiated by electron beam | 杨吉军苗发明 朱海琳舒小艳 黄 波唐 军杨远友廖家莉 刘 宁 | Journal of Nuclear Materials | 2014, 455: 189-193 |
7 | Mechanism of thorium biosorption by the cells of the soil fungal isolate Geotrichum sp. dwc-1 | 丁聪聪冯 甦 李晓龙廖家莉 杨远友安 竹 邬琪琪张 东 杨吉军8唐 军 张 洁刘 宁 | Radiochimca Acta | 2014, 102(1-2): 175-184 |
8 | Multi-scale kinetic surface roughening of reactive-sputtered TaN thin films characterized by wavelet transform approach | 杨吉军苗发明 唐 军杨远友 廖家莉刘 宁 | Thin Solid Flims | 2014, 550: 367-372 |
9 | An investigation on the subcellular distribution and compartmentalization of uranium in Phaseolus vulgaris L | 聂小琴董发勤 刘 宁等 | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 2014, 299: 1351-1357 |
10 | Strontium adsorption on tantalum-doped hexagonal tungsten oxide | 李兴亮 等 | Journal Hazardous Materials | 2014, 264: 386-394 |
11 | Biosorption behavior and mechanism of thorium on Streptomyces sporoverrucosus dwc-3 | 丁聪聪冯 甦 程文才张 洁 李晓龙廖家莉 杨远友安 竹 罗顺忠杨吉军 唐 军刘 宁 | Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry | 2014, 301: 237-245 |
12 | Extraction of trivalent americium and europium from nitric acid solution with a calixarene-based diglycolamide | 黄 璜丁颂东 刘 宁吴宇轩 等 | Separation and Purification Technology | 2014, 123:235-240 |
13 | Measurements of inner-shell characteristic X-ray yields of thick W, Mo and Zr targets by low-energy electron impact and comparison with Monte Carlo simulations | X.L. Li, J.L. Zhao, L.X. Tian, Z. An* , J.J. Zhu*, M.T. Liu | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 333 (2014) 106-112 |
14 | Limits on light WIMPs with a germanium detector at 177 eVee threshold at the China Jinping Underground Laboratory | S.K Liu, Q Yue, K.J Kang, ..J.J.Zhu,...et al | Physical Review D | 90(3) (2014) 032003 |
15 | Convergent heteroditopic cyclo[6]aramides as macrocyclic ion-pair receptors for constructing [2]pseudorotaxanes | Jinchuan Hu; Long Chen; Jie Shen; Jian Luo; Pengchi Deng; Yi Ren; Huaqiang Zeng; Wen Feng*; and Lihua Yuan* | Chem. Commun. | 2014, 50(59), 8024 – 8027 |
16 | CMPO-calix[4]arenes with spacer containing intramolecular hydrogen bonding: effect of local rigidification on solvent extraction towards f-block elements | Hongzhu Chu; Lutao He; Qian Jiang; Yuyu Fang; Yiming Jia; Xiangyang Yuan; Shuliang Zou; Xianghui Li; Wen Feng*; Yuanyou Yang; Ning Liu; Shunzhong Luo; Yanqiu Yang; Liang Yang; Lihua Yuan* | Journal of Hazardous Materials | 2014, 264, 211-218 |
17 | Pillar[5]arenes bearing phosphine oxide pendents as Hg2+ selective receptors | Yiming Jia; Yuyu Fang; Yan Li; Lutao He; Wenhua Fan; Wen Feng*; Yuanyou Yang; Jiali Liao; Ning Liu; Lihua Yuan* | Talanta | 2014, 125, 322–328. |
18 | Pillar[5]arene-based diglycolamides for highly efficient separation of americium(III) and europium(III) | Lei Wu, Yuyu Fang, Yiming Jia, Yuanyou Yang, Jiali Liao, Ning Liu, Xinshi Yang, Wen Feng*, Jialin Ming and Lihua Yuan* | Dalton Transactions | 2014, 43, 3835–3838. |
19 | Electrochemical performance of patterned LiFePO4 nano-electrode with a pristine amorphous layer | Mao Wang, Wei Zhang, Yihang Liu Yong Yang, Chunsheng Wang, and Yuan Wang | Applied Physics Letters | 2014, 104, 171604 |
20 | Molecular dynamics simulations of cumulative helium bombardments on tungsten surfaces | Min Li, Jiechao Cui, Jun Wang, Qing Hou* | Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B | 337(2014)45-54 |
21 | Molecular dynamics simulations of the diffusion and coalescence of helium in tungsten | Y.L. Zhou, J. Wang, Q. Hou*, A.H. Deng | J. Nucl. Mater. | 446 (2014) 49–55 |